Typ42 R8 Maintenance Products (08-15)
If you own a Typ42 R8, be sure you treat it right with maintenance products from Modded Euros. We have cleaning products that will make your exterior and interior shine like new. In addition, be sure to check out our oil and fluids.
SONAX Multi-Purpose Interior Cleaner (500ml) - 321200
$10.95 -
SONAX Clear View Concentrate - 386141
$10.95 -
SONAX Grey Soft Polishing Pad 160mm - 493241
$11.99 -
SONAX Plastic Care (300ml) - 205141
$12.95 -
SONAX Green Medium Polishing Pad 160mm - 493000
$12.99 -
Febi G13 Antifreeze (1.5 Liters) - 38200
$14.69 -
Febi Disc Brake Assembly Lubricant - 31942
$17.59 -
SONAX Fallout Cleaner (500ml) - 513200
$19.95 -
SONAX Wheel Rim Shield (400ml) - 436300
$19.95 -
Motul 1L Transmission GEAR 300 75W90 - Synthetic Ester
$23.82(1) -
Liqui Moly Multi-Disc Clutch Gear Oil - 1L
$28.99 -
Permatex OPTIMUM BLACK Gasket Maker - 27137