Typ42 R8 Maintenance Products (08-15)
If you own a Typ42 R8, be sure you treat it right with maintenance products from Modded Euros. We have cleaning products that will make your exterior and interior shine like new. In addition, be sure to check out our oil and fluids.
SONAX Speed Protect Spray Wax (1 Liter Bottle) - 288405
$36.42 -
Chemical Guys JetSeal Sealant & Paint Protectant - 16oz
$39.99 -
Chemical Guys Rimpaca Reach Around Ultimate Wheel Brush Set - 2 Pcs
$39.99 -
SONAX Clay Disc - 450605
$56.65 -
Liqui Moly Synthoil Energy 0W-40 Engine Oil (5 Liter) - 2050
$73.99 -
SONAX Ceramic Coating - 236941
$81.96 -
Chemical Guys TORQX Random Orbital Polisher
$139.99 -
Chemical Guys TORQ22D Random Orbital Polisher w/Red Backing Plate - 120V...
$339.99 -
Loctite Blue Thread Locker 242 (0.5 ml) - 24205
$1.99 -
SONAX Tire Gloss Gel Applicator Sponge - 417800
$2.95 -
SONAX Wheel Cleaning Sponge - 417541
$9.99 -
Liqui Moly 5W30 Special Tec LL Engine Oil (1 Liter) - 2248