Typ42 R8 Maintenance Products (08-15)
If you own a Typ42 R8, be sure you treat it right with maintenance products from Modded Euros. We have cleaning products that will make your exterior and interior shine like new. In addition, be sure to check out our oil and fluids.
Pentosin G13 Coolant/Antifreeze - 8113106
$16.73 -
SONAX heel Cleaner Full Effect (500 ml Spray Bottle) - 230200
$17.03 -
SONAX Brilliant Shine Detailer (750ml) - 287400
$18.06 -
Permatex Bullseye Windshield Repair Kit - 16067
$18.69 -
SONAX Red Hard Polishing Pad 160 mm - 493100
$19.19 -
SONAX Leather Cleaner Alcantara Foam (250ml) - 206141
$19.95 -
SONAX Microfiber Cloths 282x295mm (3-Pack) - 450700
$19.95 -
SONAX Microfibre Drying Cloth 500x800mm - 450800
$19.95 -
SONAX Liquid Wax Hybrid NPT (500 ml Bottle) - 201200
$19.95 -
SONAX Pet Hair Brush - 491400
$19.95 -
SONAX Tire Gloss Gel (500ml) - 235200
$19.95 -
SONAX Leather Cleaner (250ml) - 281141