Typ42 R8 Maintenance Products (08-15)
If you own a Typ42 R8, be sure you treat it right with maintenance products from Modded Euros. We have cleaning products that will make your exterior and interior shine like new. In addition, be sure to check out our oil and fluids.
SONAX Microfiber Sponge - 428100
$13.02 -
SONAX High Speed Wax (500 ml Spray Bottle) - 288200
$13.03 -
SONAX Chrome and Aluminum Paste (75 ml Bottle) - 308000
$13.15 -
SONAX Engine Cleaner (500ml) - 543200
$13.45 -
SONAX Car Breeze (500 ml Spray Bottle) - 292241
$13.45 -
SONAX Dashboard Cleaner (500ml) - 283241
$14.03 -
SONAX P-Ball Sponge - 417341
$14.03 -
SONAX Insect Remover (500ml) - 533200
$14.47 -
Redline 5W30 (500.00/501.01/ 502.00/505.00/505.01) Synthetic Engine Oil ...
$14.89 -
Liqui Moly 1L Top Tec 6200 Motor Oil 0W-20
$14.99 -
SONAX Leather Foam (400 ml) - 289300
$16.18 -
SONAX Car Wash Shampoo (1 Liter) - 314300