Typ42 R8 Maintenance Products (08-15)
If you own a Typ42 R8, be sure you treat it right with maintenance products from Modded Euros. We have cleaning products that will make your exterior and interior shine like new. In addition, be sure to check out our oil and fluids.
Chemical Guys Streak Free Window Clean Glass Cleaner - 1 Gallon
$44.99 -
Loctite Insulating & Sealing Wrap Black - 1496756
$44.99 -
Liqui Moly 5W30 Special Tec LL Engine Oil (5 Liter) - 2249
$46.99 -
SONAX ProfiLine Nano Polish - 208300
$47.99 -
SONAX ProfiLine EX 04-06 Polish (1 liter) - 242300
$49.99 -
SONAX ProfiLine CutMax Compound (1 Liter Bottle) - 246300
$49.99 -
SONAX Premium Carnauba Wax (176 gram) - 211200
$69.99 -
SONAX Premium Exterior Car Wash Kit - 230202
$74.95 -
Chemical Guys Diablo Gel Wheel & Rim Cleaner - 1 Gallon
$74.99 -
Chemical Guys HydroSpeed Ceramic Quick Detailer - 1 Gallon
$79.99 -
SONAX Summer Bucket Kit - 24801
$98.95 -
Chemical Guys TORQ15DA 15mm Long-Throw Random Orbital Polisher